Contact us now:
Haak Chiropractic
"The ultimate in spinal correction."
(920) 269-7705
677 S Water St.
Lomira, WI 53048
Spinal Correction Services
What We Look For
There are several main signs we look for to determine the presence of a structural and/or neurologic problem.
- Compressed discs (degenerated disc) compared to others in the same region.
- Damaged vertebrae (degenerated or arthritic vertebrae).
- Loss of the proper spinal curvatures.
- Structural shift/deviation/or abnormality.
- Neurologic Deficits
All patients receive full structural x-rays to determine the presence of damaged discs and degenerated vertebrae. Patients also receive a digital and computer aided posture analysis. This is performed to determine structural shifts and deviations. We then evaluate every major nerve in the body for neurologic deficits. And lastly, a traditional orthopedic examination is performed to help determine severity of any structural conditions that may or may not be present. After all the tests are performed, a follow-up report detailing the findings is given. This report outlines problems, care protocols, and costs involved.