Contact us now:
Haak Chiropractic
"The ultimate in spinal correction."
(920) 269-7705
677 S Water St.
Lomira, WI 53048
Spinal Correction Services
Services (continued)
Common Solutions
Many patients come to us as a last resort. They may have tried the pain meds and the muscle spasm meds and may not have received the results they needed. Many have tried physical therapy and spinal injections, and yes, many have even had spinal surgeries. Because we are different, we see many different types of cases.
Haak Chiropractic Solution
We focus on corrective care for the spine and rehabilitation of the nervous system.
Nearly all chiropractors manipulate (snap, crack, and pop) the spine traditionally. While most chiropractors are wonderful at manipulating the spine and providing great temporary results, at Haak Chiropractic we structurally adjust the spine and provide neurologic rehabilitation to every major nerve in the body. With our unique approach we can provide a long term correction to your problem. Our goal is to focus on the structural and neurological improvement of the spine, thereby fixing the problem instead of patching it.
Once your problem is fixed, wouldn’t it make sense to keep it fixed? If you have ever worked out or spent time dieting, you certainly know how important it is to keep doing the things that allowed you to lose the weight and get into shape in the first place. Your health is important, and Haak Chiropractic has the plan to help you protect your health investment.
Patient Media, Inc. Used with permission.
Our detailed examination procedures are designed to determine the underlying cause of your problem. It is the severity of the structural and/or neurologic conditions that determines the length of time needed to correct your spine, and what really sets us apart is the fact that our care is based on improving our underlying problems, not merely bandaging your symptoms.